ISSN : 2319-7323


Open Access


Title : KNN based emotion recognition system for isolated Marathi speech
Authors : Rani Prakash Gadhe, Ratnadeep R. Deshmukh, Vishal B. Waghmare
Keywords : Database, Emotion recognition, Feature Extraction, Formants, KNN classification , Pitch, Speech signals.
Issue Date : July 2015
Abstract : This paper gives a comparison of two extracted features namely pitch and formants for emotion recognition from speech. The research shows that various features namely prosodic and spectral have been used for emotion recognition from speech. The database used for recognition purpose was developed on Marathi language using 100 speakers. We have extracted features pitch and formants. Angry, stress, admiration, teasing and shocking have been recognized on the basis of features energy and formants. The classification technique used here is K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The result for formants was about 100% which is comparatively better than that of energy which was 80% of accuracy.
Page(s) : 173-177
ISSN : 2319-7323
Source : Vol. 4, No.4