ISSN : 2319-7323


Open Access


Title : Effective Negotiation Practices in Global Software Development: An Empirical Evaluation
Authors : Muhammad Yaseen, Syed Wajid Kamal, Mohim Bacha, Abdullah Khan, Atta Ur Rahman
Keywords : Practices, effective negotiations, Global Software Development, Empirical Evaluation
Issue Date : May-Jun 2020
Abstract : Requirements collection and implementation in global software development (GSD) is quite difficult due challenges such as geographical distance, time zone differences, language barrier and culture variation. In GSD, where proper communication among vendors and clients become difficult, proper discussion on requirements also become difficult. In this research work, best practices needed for effective negotiations are validated from real software industries using empirical study. The outcome of empirical evaluation shows that ‘Use effective communication mechanism for discussing the requirements’ and ‘Clear escalation path whom to talk when things gone wrong’ are most strongly agreed practices.
Page(s) : 194-198
ISSN : 2319-7323
Source : Vol. 9, No. 3