ISSN : 2319-7323


Open Access


Title : Seafood Traceability System Based on Landing Site Using Batch Code Identifier
Authors : I Gede Sujana Eka Putra
Keywords : Seafood Traceability; Batch Code; QR Code; Landing Site; Fish Origin
Issue Date : Jul-Aug 2020
Abstract : Seafood product requires to apply traceability because of the importance of product quality and food safety for consumers. Indonesia's geographical archipelago causes the fisheries supply chain data getting difficult to trace until end of consumer. The problem of this research is how to develop a traceability system to trace seafood from its origin. The method used is apply batch code identifier to represent vessel information, catch data, and landing site. System apply automatic detection of landing site coordinates using global positioning system, and along with batch code stored to cloud server. The batch code moved along with the fish movement in each supply chain. Once fish received in company, system access cloud server to get proper batch code. Each product is labeled with QR Code containing product information and batch code. While products sent to customers, label scanned and system provide fish origin information and show the maps of the vessel landing location. This result shows QR Code 100 x 100 pixel dimensions store 11 lines of product and landing information. The testing results shows label can be scanned at maximum distance of 40 cm in dry surface and flat and curved position, and at a maximum distance of 25 cm in flat position, wet and frozen conditions. However, label can be scanned at maximum distance 20 cm in a curved position and wet and frozen conditions.
Page(s) : 235-249
ISSN : 2319-7323
Source : Vol. 9, No. 4
DOI : 10.21817/ijcsenet/2020/v9i4/200904026